The below are pets that we’ve rescued and are now in permanent foster care.
They will never be officially adopted, but they will be loved dearly and treated like our own beloved pets. We continue to pay all their vet bills for the remainder of their life.
Cheeky Babbington
Cheeky is a very happy girl now - a friendly, quiet and shy girl of 14 years of age. She loves sleeping indoors on her own cushion with a blanket.
Ernie Babbington
Ernie’s heart is very very bad and he has now joined our palliative care program.
Bianco Haliwell AKA Bug
His name is Bianco, but most people just call him Bug. This sweet hearted dog has surprisingly more energy than you think. One or two small walks around the block will keep him happy and a few scratches on the head is all that is needed to make his day.